The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

President’s Message November and December 2009

This will be the last newsletter of this calendar year. We wish all members a merry Christmas and happy new year. Members may not realise that the time and trouble over the last year to amend the Constitution was in major part aimed at allowing exhibition organisers (Coordinators) to exercise more autonomy in their role, so it would be more attractive to them and encourage more to volunteer for the role and to maintain it for a few years. We are building up a broadly based team, where each exhibition or activity is run by an experienced organiser in his or her own style, subject to overall Committee review. We have been fortunate in the continuity of office holders, with Jenny running Herring Island (and a lot else until recently); Patrick running the Flower Show and finances; Mark running Tesselaar; Marija and Gillian picking up the Annual Exhibition again; Gillian a tower of strength in monthly activities; and Michael being the reliable back-stop for all. We still seek important new additions to the team: see Notices section below. Due to current shortages, and my own workload at this time of year, I am sorry that this edition has come out late. In future, the mail outs of the printed version of the newsletter may be held up pending someone volunteering to organize the printing and do the mail outs.

Members are also asked to look at the Notices section concerning the Services and Supply Directory, and email their comments to Gillian or Geoff.

International Notes below refer to some financially significant sales of sculpture during 2009. I find that a remarkable aspect of Jeff Koons is his ability to achieve such extraordinary financials without having to die first. Maybe his prior work as a Wall Street commodities trader helped.

I attach copy of a new quarterly publication on sculpture from Katherine Harrington, Bulletin Editor of The Sculptors Society in NSW. …
Geoff Williams

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