The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

Letter from the Presidential Team

Gillian is away on a well earned break and taking some spiritual renewal from the Canadian Rockies. The report is that the awesome mountains are putting life into real perspective. So we can expect some fresh fire of creativity when our president returns.

In the mean time, back at the ranch as it were, our vice president Michael Meszaros has been holding the fort and here is the news from the organising end of the ASV:

We were planning not to have a meeting in June, due to not having an activity, but we now have received the offer of a talk by Mary van den Broek about the recent ISC Sculpture Symposium in Auckland, which sounds very interesting.

Apart from the immediate value of the talk, this offer points out the value of our membership, with members offering to talk about their work, trips, experiences etc. Cetta Pilati’s very personal and insightful talk last month was another fine example of what a member can do for the membership. I see this as a very healthy sign of an active and interested Association.

The following month we are proposing a ‘show and tell’, which we have not done for some time. Please bring along some recent work, work in progress, sketches for new work or anything you have in mind and tell us about the ideas, materials and techniques involved.

Michael Meszaros, Vice President

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