The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.


The ASV website lists about 190 people as ASV members. Of these about 80 have paid their membership subscription for this year. Another 40 paid for 2012-2013 but have not so far paid for 2013-2014.
If we have your correct postal address , you should have just received a reminder. That leaves about 60 people from whom we have not had a subscription for at least 2 years. At some point we are going to start removing people from the website unless subscriptions are paid. If you are unsure you can check your financial status in your entry on the website.

Subscriptions go towards the costs of exhibitions, exhibition prizes not covered by donations or sponsorships, development of the website and the costs of meetings. The Herring Island Exhibition is open to financial members only and higher entry fees apply for nonmembers to MIFGS and the Annual Exhibition .

Subs can be paid by sending a cheque to the Treasurer ( John Ride - 56 Lucerne Cres, Alphington, 3078,, direct deposit to the ASV Account BSB 063-105 Account No. 0080 0382, or by providing your credit card details visa the membership application form which can be download from the website. Please (log into the website and) check that we have your correct contact details.

John Ride Treasurer

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